SOA: The Central idea behind it

Historically data (data structure) and a program to manipulate it were created at the same time. A payroll program determined its own data, its type and created its own data source. Data created by a program can only be used only by that program and its logic. This approach bonded data and program right from the beginning. This approach was obvious given the historical conditions existing at that time. A Fortran programmer used to create data file for his program only. However when business started using computers, data was common to many departments and hence this approach of marrying data and program from the beginning was practically useful.

What is orientation?

Orientation means direction For instance, an orientation program in cloud computing means, it is a program in which audience is directed towards considering "cloud" as a new approach. Orientation also means " focus". For instance, when we say currently our orientation is towards "saving power" we mean we are focused on "saving power". Another meaning of orientation is using some paradigm as basis for building something. For instance " objected oriented programming" is a programming approach in which " object" paradigm is central to everything. In an orientation, certain implications are obvious.

What is service?

The purpose of business to provide products and services for its customers. In general products are "tangible" things such as "car", soap" or "book" etc. For large part of 19th century business was dominated by product offering. Only in the second half of 2oth century Service became major business component and economic drivers. In fact, current economy is called " service economy" meaning major business transactions involve service offering. Services are "intangible" offering such as "consultancy", "transportation" etc.
In the context of IT business and with the wide spread adoption of web as a major business front, service has gained a broader meaning. For instance, when we use an email such as Gmail/hotmail we are using a "service".